Welcome Ember!!
Ember Rowan Richards
May 4, 2013
9 pounds 14 ounces
21 inches
(This picture is today, the above was at birth)
Has it really been a month since we added this little guy to our family? I've herd other parents make the comment that when they brought home their baby, their family just finally felt complete. I think I know the feeling they have talked about now. We all love him so much and he seamlessly has meshed right in. Ember is definitely the bigest of all of my babies and has a big personality to match. He is generally a very happy baby. He is rarely put down, which is good because he loves snuggling with all of us. Literally, this kid is generally in someones arms about 16 to 22 hours a day. Although he didn't sleep through the night last night, the previous 6 nights he has slept a solid 6 hours. Ember has a fiery temper that goes well with his red hair. When he wants something, he lets you know immediately, and continues to let you know for a short while after he gets what he wants. So far he is generally calm and very observant. He likes watching things that move, like the mobile above his swing and his super speedy sister Anara.
I am amazed at how well my older children have adjusted to their new baby brother, but I have to say I am especially impressed with how well Cameron has taken on his new role as a big brother. As soon as Em begins to cry, Cameron often feels this is a call to duty and grabs whatever he feels the baby might need at that moment. Cam's favorite thing to do right now is to hold or lay down next to his baby brother. Cameron was very timid around Ember until the 2nd day we were home. For a few months before Ember's arrival, Cameron had acted out a situation with dolls and the bouncer seat where he would put a doll in the seat and cover it with a blanket then proceed to kiss the doll's head and rub the doll's hair. With Cameron seeming to be afraid of getting to close to Ember in the beginning, I decided to see if he would like to have this playtime routine reproduced in real life. It was the sweetest thing, and was exactly what Cameron needed to affirm his abilities as an excellent big brother. Since this little event, Cameron is constantly by Ember's side taking care of him.
The girls also love having a new baby in the house. Partially because they have had an extended vacation from school, I'm sure. Nia, is our family's care taker. So, she obviously snatches him up every chance she gets. She likes feeding him bottles and snuggling up for nap time with him. Nothing would make her happier than to be put in charge of baby care for the entire day. So far, Ember and Nia seem to kindred spirits with very similar personalities.
Anara likes to hold him also, but she isn't much on sitting still for very long, so she generally likes to hold him for helpful tidbits when someone needs to hand him off for just a few moments. Her favorite time with Ember is playtime. She likes making faces at him and holding things up for him to look at. She is also my little songbird and has quieted Ember down several times by singing to him.